
An End and a Start

No new artwork this week but I have some coming. I have a lot of projects coming up and I am still trying to balance everything. This will be my end of year and what I want to accomplish this year post. I hope this will be my biggest year yet. It doesn’t always seem fair that my body is the weakest it has ever been, but this is the year I want to accomplish more than I ever have. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week’s post and I look forward to making consistent content, crips and non-crips (crip stands for cripple, violence is bad). Sorry, it took a while to write this end-of-year post. I had some personal stuff that distracted me a little. Also, endings and beginnings can be tough. Everything is fine now. The year is over I can’t believe how fast it went. To be honest I started this year in a pretty dark place. I stopped taking my heart medication and started writing goodbye letters to the people most important in my life (happy end-of-life letters?). After my friend’s son was born, I

The Shut-Ins

  I will give a complete end-of-2022 post soon but until then here is a post about music. When I look back at the previous year, music played a huge role. I think 2022 has been my favorite year since I got my trach. Everyone one of my favorite memories has involved music. Whether it has been an orchestra in the park during a rain storm or the debut show of the Shut-Ins at FBC. Open mic nights, new bands, and a birthday. The Halloween and Christmas show. Practices at my house (I was in a dark place at the time so, sorry for being weird) and just quiet conversations. It was a year of music. Two people helped me a lot that year but I think these small moments saved my life. I think life is weird, funny, lovely, bizarre, hopeful, full of pain, and sometimes you get small perfect moments nestled in the absurdity. I hope these moments come when you most need them. I hope you use them when life is hard and unfair. I hope you don't waste it (that goes for me as well). I think that is enoug

A Life with Brothers

The Crip Guy blog just reached 1000 views. I don't know if this is a big accomplishment but I am just glad someone read it. Grateful is not a good enough word for how I feel. This blog originally started as my journal during a particularly painful point in my life. It was filled with pain and loss. I used it as an emotional pressure relief valve. Eventually, this made me start to reflect on my life. I wanted to show what's it like to live with Duchenne. The painful parts and the funny, hopeful, weird, and unique parts. As a bonus, it keeps me sane. Thank you all for giving me some purpose, direction, and stability. Maybe this blog is some type of "inspiration porn" but you, crips, and non-crips inspire me just as much. It is amazing I get to share my life with you. I hope you find something important in this blog or at least enjoy the comics. Now on to the rest of the post. It’s another illustration! I hope you don’t mind. I think all my color choices are still affect

Staying Motivated and Finding Inspiration

  This week is an illustration or a doodle. Sometimes I will think of the most ridiculous situations when I am bored or just for fun. This time I decided to illustrate one of these thought experiments. Do you like dolphins, jet skis, and saving people? I am 98% sure this post will not make anyone cry (It’s weird that the guy with a terminal disease has some sad stories). Growing up I had a tough time with procrastination (or right now?). Unless I was right up against a deadline, I couldn’t motivate myself to get work done. Part of it might have been due to not having the technology I needed or even knowing it existed. Helpful voice software like what I use to write my post did not exist until my senior year in high school. No one told me the tablet I used to draw and originally do schoolwork with existed until my third year in college. Until that point, I had to do most of my work in my head. I think I had some control issues if I couldn’t physically write by myself, I didn’t feel moti

Best/Worst Guy

In case you were wondering I will be posting twice a week until all of my previous content is in one place, this blog. A new introduction will be added to most of my old posts to keep them interesting and maybe give you some new information. I know the last post was not incredibly happy. Believe me, I am not all doom and gloom all the time. I just write what is on my heart love, friendship, loss, hope, death, life, faith, legacy, and many other topics. Sometimes it will be sad enough that I will want to give up and just cry into my pillow. Other times I am filled with enough joy that I can't contain it with the words I write or the pictures I draw. Even if it's heartbreaking I am glad I have the opportunity to share my stories with you. I love you all and please enjoy the rest of the post. Do you like Kill Bill, fart jokes, and mailboxes? This week I will give you a look at what it’s like to be disabled, specifically the best and worst parts. Being a Crip is not all doom and gl

God, you there?

The post might be sad so the illustration this week will be a teddy bear. I usually send this drawing to friends or family that are sick to cheer them up. I hope this bear helps offset one of the more painful stories of my life.  I have been going to church lately. I won’t lie it’s mostly for selfish reasons my best friend, his family including my “nephew” and some other new/old friends go. For some of them that is the only time I can see them during the week for others, it’s just a bonus. Before I start, I just want to say this is my experience or a part of it. If you have faith in something and you are not hurting people with that belief well that is pretty cool. Also, I know a lot of people who believe in God read my posts. This time in my life hurt and it would shape my worldview. I could break my life into two parts before and after the hospital. In a lot of ways, I was un-made during this time. On most days I have a hard time believing in anything like a higher power or God.  For

Once in a blue moon

Hi everyone I hope you are finding something in this blog. At some point, I would like the people who read this to pick the topic from time to time. I think that might be a little way in the future. I just want to thank everyone that reads my ramblings and likes my amateur art it means a lot to me. As much as I hope I am helping you; you might be helping me more. You give me a schedule and a place to put all my thoughts, it keeps me sane. I appreciate and love you all. Now please enjoy (I think that is the right word) the rest of the post. I’m posting a painting I did a while ago this week (thought this was a comic page). Do you like trees, moons, and blue? If not, you are barking up the wrong tree this week (sorry…pun). I should have a comic next week. I know you are disappointed but that brings me to this week’s weird motivation, Disappointment. Is he ok? First, he talked about failure, hopelessness, loss, giving up, and death. Now he is talking about disappointment(bummer?). The sho