
Showing posts with the label music


I'm giving everyone a heads-up that my next couple of posts might be more raw than usual. I try to encourage people or make them laugh. For the next few posts, I might just use it to vent. Sorry in advance and I will get back to my more positive roots soon. Anyway, let's get to this week's post, Music. Music has played a big part in my life. I have talked about music before and how I miss it. Today I want to talk about how in my mind different bands represent different people from my life. Chris one of my High School aides, is represented by the band "Dashboard Confessional".  That might sound weird and he probably doesn't like that I make that connection. Still, he used to sing music I never heard of and I looked up to him. I cherish my memories with him and those memories have a  "Dashboard Confessional" soundtrack.  This pattern continues with so many people from my life, both past and present. Purple was one of my first home health aides. Don'

A Shut-Ins story

Do you like short stories, music fests, crip pics, and the Shut-Ins? The Shut-Ins played the Fairport Music Fest 23' and like usual they were amazing. The set was punctuated by a bunch of original music. I love that they are writing their music and hope they continue. The first show I saw of the Shut-Ins was a year ago at the same festival with Megan. This year I got to see the band with my mom, Mary, and my best friend Jacob. It was great we had some kombucha and Italian pretzels. If you go to FBC (Fairport) trust me and get those pretzels, I could eat a whole bag by myself.  It was outside and packed. The scent of the grill could be smelled wafting through the air ( good word). This might be my last outside concert this year and I was glad I was able to spend it with the Shut-Ins.  Now this wouldn't be a crip guy story without some "interesting" interactions with people. The first part of this story was uplifting to the human spirit and the second made

The Shut-Ins

  I will give a complete end-of-2022 post soon but until then here is a post about music. When I look back at the previous year, music played a huge role. I think 2022 has been my favorite year since I got my trach. Everyone one of my favorite memories has involved music. Whether it has been an orchestra in the park during a rain storm or the debut show of the Shut-Ins at FBC. Open mic nights, new bands, and a birthday. The Halloween and Christmas show. Practices at my house (I was in a dark place at the time so, sorry for being weird) and just quiet conversations. It was a year of music. Two people helped me a lot that year but I think these small moments saved my life. I think life is weird, funny, lovely, bizarre, hopeful, full of pain, and sometimes you get small perfect moments nestled in the absurdity. I hope these moments come when you most need them. I hope you use them when life is hard and unfair. I hope you don't waste it (that goes for me as well). I think that is enoug