
Showing posts with the label loss

Loss part 2

This week I dedicate my post to my friend Laura, who passed away a few weeks ago. Her favorite color was pink so I painted a pink flower for this week's illustration. It doesn't feel real that she is gone. I posted a few weeks ago on her CaringBridge that if it would help I would have given up my wheelchair. When my friend Andrew passed away I wrote that he didn't lose his fight against Duchenne he finished it and I think the same thing applies to Laura. I didn't think I would write another post about loss this soon. I have been procrastinating on this post, hard. Sometimes in not constructive ways. It's a sad and painful one for me to write. This little corner of the muscular dystrophy community seems to have been hit hard in the last few years, especially in the previous few weeks (f#%k muscular dystrophy). You will understand why in a minute. I will try to give a general overview before I start. During May, I lost two friends with forms of muscular dystrophy Andr


The next few weeks will be happy, funny, ridiculous, and probably weird posts. The last couple of weeks have been a little depressing, I will admit that. This post will be sad in some ways. That wasn't what I was planning this week but life has a way of changing plans.  I promise that this blog is not all doom and gloom. Ultimately this blog is about hope. I deal with loss in this blog. I deal with loss of ability, work, relationships, family, and friends. And those topics are inherently sad. However, I try to put some lessons learned or at least something funny. I deal with hopelessness a lot and this blog is where I go to fight that feeling.  On May 6th the Duchenne community lost another fighter, Andrew R Longwell. I wasn't as close to him as I would have liked, but I did watch him grow up. I saw him at camp and various MDA functions over the years. It's weird this sense of connection you get with every person with Duchenne. You could be a complete stranger with this dis