
I'm giving everyone a heads-up that my next couple of posts might be more raw than usual. I try to encourage people or make them laugh. For the next few posts, I might just use it to vent. Sorry in advance and I will get back to my more positive roots soon. Anyway, let's get to this week's post, Music.

Music has played a big part in my life. I have talked about music before and how I miss it. Today I want to talk about how in my mind different bands represent different people from my life. Chris one of my High School aides, is represented by the band "Dashboard Confessional".  That might sound weird and he probably doesn't like that I make that connection. Still, he used to sing music I never heard of and I looked up to him. I cherish my memories with him and those memories have a "Dashboard Confessional" soundtrack. 

This pattern continues with so many people from my life, both past and present. Purple was one of my first home health aides. Don't ask me why I gave her the nickname Purple I can't remember(it's because he is weird). She will get her own post soon. Her memories are represented by the band "Coldplay". James' band was "The Fray". Juliet was "BeyoncĂ©". Alice was "Muse" and Anthony Green. Kenton is almost any "Mt. Joy" song. Zelda is just one specific song from "Train" Drops of Jupiter. Josiah W is "Ben Folds". Julia is the song "Julia" from Mt. Joy. My dad is the country music channel before school. Jacob gets two. The first one is a song by "Yellowcard" How I Go and the entire soundtrack for "Scrubs". This is a separate thought but if you want to know a song that represents my entire "romantic" past it's "From Afar" by Vance Joy (nobody asked).

What I'm trying to say is that music has always represented people to me. And that whenever I am stressed or sad or just writing I need music on and the memories it represents. This is a pretty short post this week. I just wanted to give everyone a little snapshot of how my mind works (scary). I hope somebody found something beneficial in my rant this week. Tomorrow I am having a minor surgery but the recovery should be relatively quick and hopefully, I will have another post next week. Until next time crips and non-crips, I believe in you. 

If you were wondering about the artwork this week it's a pixel art album cover of a fictitious band I going to use for a comic idea. It is one of my early attempts at pixel art. 


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