
Showing posts from August, 2023

A Shut-Ins story

Do you like short stories, music fests, crip pics, and the Shut-Ins? The Shut-Ins played the Fairport Music Fest 23' and like usual they were amazing. The set was punctuated by a bunch of original music. I love that they are writing their music and hope they continue. The first show I saw of the Shut-Ins was a year ago at the same festival with Megan. This year I got to see the band with my mom, Mary, and my best friend Jacob. It was great we had some kombucha and Italian pretzels. If you go to FBC (Fairport) trust me and get those pretzels, I could eat a whole bag by myself.  It was outside and packed. The scent of the grill could be smelled wafting through the air ( good word). This might be my last outside concert this year and I was glad I was able to spend it with the Shut-Ins.  Now this wouldn't be a crip guy story without some "interesting" interactions with people. The first part of this story was uplifting to the human spirit and the second made

Gone Fishin'

Do you like fishing, good stuff, and fireflies? Then this week might be perfect for you. It’s been a while since I posted an illustration, so I hope you enjoy it. My posts have been a little, let's say dark. They had to be with the subject matter. Life can be sad, unfair, and cruel sometimes. Brothers fall, friends pass away, and people you thought would always be there, leave. It feels like the bad stuff outweighs the good and it's easy to get discouraged. Still, it's important not to stay there. I don't want to stay there. Being sad is a part of life but so is being happy. Even during the worst parts of my life, there has always been something good I could focus on. I wish those good things were bigger and more frequent but that might be a universal human desire. I want to try to focus on the happy parts for this post. So, I am going to tell you some of the good things that have helped me get through the bad stuff. I'll let you know now most of the good stuff in m