Mother's Day 2023

It's Mother's Day and I will try to finish this on time (He didn't). This year I have been writing overly honest and emotional personal letters for the people closest to me. And my mom wants one for Mother's Day and one for her Birthday. So this one is public and her birthday one will be private. I just want everyone to know she gets two while everyone else just got one. If you get jealous blame her. Normally I make people cry I don't know why she wants two. But I will do my best to explain to you why my Mom is a role model to me and why she should be to you.

My mom didn't get the best Mother's Day this year. She was in the middle of a vacation when my brother fell from his lift and broke both femurs. Once my mom heard the news she drove about 8 hours from Kentucky to get home. My parents don't leave us alone in the hospital. Even the best hospital isn't equipped to deal with someone with our level of disability. It's too easy for something to go wrong when you can't move or speak (can't speak at night for reasons). This means my dad sleeps at the hospital and my mom is there during the day. My mom teaches all of our personal nurses at home. I wouldn't say she is naturally equipped for this task. My mom has a lot of anxiety when it comes to teaching and talking in front of people. This comes from books worth of trauma that I won't talk about here, it's her story to tell. This is a tangent but, people say I should write a book. I think your story is much more interesting and impactful than mine. You should write a book before I do. 

What impresses me is that in spite of not being naturally inclined to teach, she does it and does it well. I think strength, true strength comes when you are afraid or weak but do it anyways. If you wonder how I keep going? Why do I keep doing things I am not naturally equipped to do? I learned it from my mom. My mom is a fighter. I would not be here without her. You are my voice when I can't speak. You are my advocate when I can't advocate for myself. You are my strength. My teacher. My defender, my biggest fan, and my role model. You have been fighting long before I was born and you are still fighting. I love you, Mom and I wouldn't want another one. Happy Mother's Day!


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