
Showing posts from May, 2023

Mike (Role Models part 1)

Do you like text messages, body casts, people named Mike, and green backgrounds? I don't think this comic has much to do with the topic this week, but it does have Crip Girl (woman?).  I am starting a multi-part series about some of the roll models (get it?) I had growing up. I will talk about 6 or 7 different aides in the coming weeks. If I don't mention you I will eventually. It's my goal to make everyone that has impacted my life laugh (I think he means cry. He's a monster!). I will tell you who is coming up. Mike, Chris, Aaron, Charlie, Josh, Stephanie, and maybe a mystery one. Caregiving dynamics are complicated as some of my stories in the coming weeks will show. I get too close or did or still do. I have a hard time with the professional part. Still, my best friend was my aide first. And a big reason we became best friends is that I need help with everything and that requires a certain amount of vulnerability. Also, I am bad with professional boundaries, and I as

Mother's Day 2023

It's Mother's Day and I will try to finish this on time (He didn't). This year I have been writing overly honest and emotional personal letters for the people closest to me. And my mom wants one for Mother's Day and one for her Birthday. So this one is public and her birthday one will be private. I just want everyone to know she gets two while everyone else just got one. If you get jealous blame her. Normally I make people cry I don't know why she wants two. But I will do my best to explain to you why my Mom is a role model to me and why she should be to you. My mom didn't get the best Mother's Day this year. She was in the middle of a vacation when my brother fell from his lift and broke both femurs. Once my mom heard the news she drove about 8 hours from Kentucky to get home. My parents don't leave us alone in the hospital. Even the best hospital isn't equipped to deal with someone with our level of disability. It's too easy for something to go


The next few weeks will be happy, funny, ridiculous, and probably weird posts. The last couple of weeks have been a little depressing, I will admit that. This post will be sad in some ways. That wasn't what I was planning this week but life has a way of changing plans.  I promise that this blog is not all doom and gloom. Ultimately this blog is about hope. I deal with loss in this blog. I deal with loss of ability, work, relationships, family, and friends. And those topics are inherently sad. However, I try to put some lessons learned or at least something funny. I deal with hopelessness a lot and this blog is where I go to fight that feeling.  On May 6th the Duchenne community lost another fighter, Andrew R Longwell. I wasn't as close to him as I would have liked, but I did watch him grow up. I saw him at camp and various MDA functions over the years. It's weird this sense of connection you get with every person with Duchenne. You could be a complete stranger with this dis

Love Deux (love part 3)

Thank you if you if you read part 1 and 2 or if this your first time on the blog. I have never done a three part series before. I hope you get something from this post (clinical depression?). Most of my stories have a layer of sadness. I don't like it either. I will have some comics coming soon to offset this melancholy story. Also if this story has a impact on you please leave a comment. I don't don't know if what I am doing is crazy, so let me know. Now to the rest of the post. I guess I have more to say about this love stuff or maybe just clarify what I have already said. What I wrote before was the hopeful version (oh boy…emo crip time?). Kind of like how I hope I don’t spend the rest of my breathing through a hole in my neck. I hope I can breathe again, I dream about it all the time, but I don’t expect it to happen. I have two parts of my personality the introvert who is a little bit of a downer and a realist. And the extrovert who wants to do everything, wants to be a