
Showing posts from April, 2023

Alice (love part 2)

Most of what I know about love and heartbreak I learned from Alice. That is why I put her in part 2 of this series. She knew me before I got my trach before my disease started to win, and even before Jacob. She was the first person I texted when I got my cell phone at 16 (probably why I got one). She was at my baptism (ruba dub dub crip in a tub). She has been in my life for a long time. At 20 years old I was going through my trach surgery and one of the worst depressions of my life (Is there a stronger word than depression?). And at that point, I hadn't talked to Alice for about a year because of the "Confessing Feelings" story.  During this dark time, most of my thoughts were about her or revolved around her. I have this unhealthy habit or survival mechanism of latching onto women when life gets extra hard. I did it when I couldn't find a job. I did it when I couldn't keep my apartment. And I did it when I had my trach surgery and I wasn't sure I would ever

Love (part 1)

I'm doing something different for the next three posts. It will be a three-part collection of some old and brand-new posts talking about love. Most of the stories will revolve around Alice. I have chased love for most of my life. This has led to some truly cringe-worthy and heartbreaking situations in my life. It seemed like even when I stopped chasing love and pretty much gave up on  everything else, love started chasing me. This has never happened in a helpful way. It's mostly in a cruel you will never get what you want kind of way. Unfortunately, that story is for another time. I know my posts have been sporadic but for the next three weeks at least you get to hear me talk about things I really have no idea about (love). I have no idea what it is like but I know I want it. So sit back and get ready for my three-part series on love, heartbreak, crips, and Alice. I'm BACK! Let's get emotional and reflective and stuff.  If you have followed me for a while then you have