
Showing posts from January, 2023

An End and a Start

No new artwork this week but I have some coming. I have a lot of projects coming up and I am still trying to balance everything. This will be my end of year and what I want to accomplish this year post. I hope this will be my biggest year yet. It doesn’t always seem fair that my body is the weakest it has ever been, but this is the year I want to accomplish more than I ever have. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week’s post and I look forward to making consistent content, crips and non-crips (crip stands for cripple, violence is bad). Sorry, it took a while to write this end-of-year post. I had some personal stuff that distracted me a little. Also, endings and beginnings can be tough. Everything is fine now. The year is over I can’t believe how fast it went. To be honest I started this year in a pretty dark place. I stopped taking my heart medication and started writing goodbye letters to the people most important in my life (happy end-of-life letters?). After my friend’s son was born, I

The Shut-Ins

  I will give a complete end-of-2022 post soon but until then here is a post about music. When I look back at the previous year, music played a huge role. I think 2022 has been my favorite year since I got my trach. Everyone one of my favorite memories has involved music. Whether it has been an orchestra in the park during a rain storm or the debut show of the Shut-Ins at FBC. Open mic nights, new bands, and a birthday. The Halloween and Christmas show. Practices at my house (I was in a dark place at the time so, sorry for being weird) and just quiet conversations. It was a year of music. Two people helped me a lot that year but I think these small moments saved my life. I think life is weird, funny, lovely, bizarre, hopeful, full of pain, and sometimes you get small perfect moments nestled in the absurdity. I hope these moments come when you most need them. I hope you use them when life is hard and unfair. I hope you don't waste it (that goes for me as well). I think that is enoug